About Us
Based out of Tucson, Arizona, 1519 is a Modern Native American Art-Driven Lifestyle Apparel brand and Art Collective. 1519 is owned and operated by 3 members of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. In selecting a brand name 1519 was selected to pay tribute to the date "Marzo 25, 1519" that is imprinted on Yaqui Flag.

Raul Osuna an enrolled member of the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and co-owner of Shop1519 was born in Tucson, AZ.. Raul Osuna

Luis Rodriguez is a Yaqui Artist, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Screen Printer, Father, and Co-owner of SHOP1519. The son of a documented Mexican immigrant father and a Yaqui American mother born and raised in Tucson, AZ. He is a representation of the migration of people between the southwestern United States and Mexico.
His work currently consists of mainly digital paintings but also features drawings, watercolor paintings, acrylic paintings, and garments. While constructing previous artwork he used digital painting as the initial process to sketch and establish his color pallet before transferring the idea onto canvas. Digital media proved to be efficient and rewarding leading Luis to further explore the niche of combining traditional and digital art.
His community is reflected in his art by the strong representation of Yaqui cultural dancers, participants, and people. Luis grew up watching his uncle participate in Yaqui Ceremonies as a Maaso (Deer Dancer). From those childhood experiences grew his love of illustrating the Yaqui Deer Dancer. Luis continues to illustrate the beauty and the sense of pride that he is filled with when he hears the Maaso Bwikam (Deer Songs) and the unique style each Maaso (Deer Dancer) displays.
His work has evolved to represent personal and contemporary views of Yaqui/Indigenous Culture and People, interpretations of oral traditions/songs, efforts to bring awareness to ongoing struggles, and reflections of past struggles that were overcome. He credits his work as the result of experimentation and exploration of his talent given to him by Creator.

Guadalupe “Mario” Valencia, b.1984, Tucson Arizona
Guadalupe Mario Valencia (he/him) is best known for his figurative work of the Yaqui Deer Dancer that communicates between the Sewa Ania (Flower World) and Our World. His work blends contemporary and abstract backgrounds with visuals he acquired as a ceremonial participant in the community of Old Pascua. He grew up immersed in the Yaqui culture and is on a lifelong journey to learn the oral stories and customs of his people and Kohtumbre Ya’ura (Lenten Society). Valencia has begun to experiment with modern mediums such as screen printing and digital arts in creative works focused on ceremony, religion, rebellion, and tradition. Particularly, on raising awareness of the current issues faced by all tribal nations. Valencia is a co-founder of 1519 Rebellion, a Native American art collective aimed at reframing Indigenous cultural imagery to highlight the proclamation by many tribal nations, “We Are Still Here.”